Books, Reading, Review
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April Reads and Reviews

I’ve gone pretty crazy on the book purchasing in the last couple of weeks. My to be read pile is now officially a tower which is almost the same height as me (I’m roughly 162cm for reference). I’ve also signed up to NetGalley recently, another source of books which has, until now of course, gone unnoticed by me. I’ve basically got books coming out of my ears, so much so that I’m having to plan ahead in my reading. So I thought I’d share with you all what I plan on reading this month (although depending how quickly I finish these, there will be a couple of additions to the below), as well as some upcoming reviews.

WHAT I’M READING This month I’m hoping to finish Christopher Paolini’s ‘Inheritance Series’. At the moment I’m reading book #3, Brisingr, and towards the end of the month I’ll hopefully get to Inheritance. Sandwiched between these two, I have a couple of NetGalley reads – The Girl in the Photograph (which I’m reading at the moment and loving) and Liar’s Bench, which is scheduled for release later this month.


UPCOMING REVIEWS Inside the O’Briens by Lisa Genova – This is the latest novel from the author of Still Alice. I’m really excited to share this book with you guys. I finished it a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been thinking about it ever since – it’s a very special book.
The Violet Bakery Cookbook by Claire Ptak – I love cake you guys. Actually, I love all baked goods and sweet things. So I’m really excited to review this book as I’ll be testing some recipes. I have to be thorough in my review process you know!
Eldest by Christopher Paolini – This is book #2 in ‘The Inheritance Cycle’. I enjoyed this one a lot more than the first book in this series. The end was particularly exciting and had me covering my face with the book when I was reading it on the train. I’m a very involved reader.

In the Shadow of Winter by Lorna Gray – I do enjoy a good mystery and I must have really enjoyed this one as I read the book in about a day.

I also hope to post reviews for Brisingr, The Girl in the Photograph, and Liar’s Bench. Long story short, I won’t be leaving the house much this month. Good thing it’s starting to feel like autumn in Sydney at the moment – cold weather means I have a good excuse for staying in!

What are you planning on reading this month? Something new or an old favourite?


  1. Pingback: May Reads and Reviews | bitsnbooks

  2. Cait says

    I started to read Eragon like, um, yeeeears ago and never finished! I FEEL SO BAD ABOUT THAT! I want to finish it, and actually, my TBR is down to 6 books (!!) which is pretty unbelievable and obviously needs fixing by….getting out more books. 😉 I think Eragon is going back on my need-to-read-list. Gah, your TBR sounds overwhelming. >_< I hope you get a chance to nibble some height off it soon!
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!


    • Don’t feel bad. I bought all four books in the series all the way back in 2009, and they’ve just been sitting in a box this whole time. I feel bad about that!
      My TBR is ruling my life – I stacked all the books up last night and the tower officially comes to my chin 😳 I’m constantly reading, but then I’m also constantly buying books, so it never really shrinks. But it’s a problem I’m happy to deal with.


  3. Ahhh isn’t netgalley the most exciting? I kind of fucked myself when I first started blogging by like requesting everything that seemed even vaguely interesting. Oops. I use edelweiss mostly now, because my review to request ratio is so bad over at netgalley haha.

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    • Yep, I went crazy when I signed up too. I requested about 7 or 8 books in one day I think. I’ve basically finished reading them all, but I’ve decided I’m just going to do one NetGalley book a month from now on as I have so many physical books to read. I have made zero progress in making my TBR tower smaller this month. It’s actually grown by 6 books 😳 But now the hard thing is to pick which one I will pick. It’s amazing, but hell at the same time. I was about to say “I might go check out edelweiss”, but really, I don’t need to!


  4. Ooh, The Girl in the Photograph (Fiercombe Manor in the US) is on my list as well! Hope you enjoy it! 😀


    • I finished it yesterday morning (I read it a lot quicker than I had intended!). I really enjoyed it. It sort of reminded me of books by Kate Morton – she’s an Australian author who writes mysterious historical fiction. I love her books.
      I’ve just seen that Kate Riordan has another book called ‘Birdcage Walk’ – I think I’ll try and find that to read as well.

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      • Ooh cool! I’ve never read Kate Morton, but I’ll look into her books as well as Birdcage Walk! Glad you liked it 😀


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