Books, Reading
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Teaser Tuesday – Eldest

Eldest_book_coverTeaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! All you have to do is grab the book you’re currently reading, open to a random page and share two sentences from that page. But make sure you don’t share any spoilers!

So I’m now up to the book two in Christopher Paolini’s ‘Inheritance Cycle’, Eldest. So that’s where my sentences are from for this week. I’m quite enjoying it so far and although I’m not that far into it, it’s safe to say that I am liking Eragon much more as a character and the writing has improved, just as I was hoping!

“Thereupon Saphira arched her neck, and a jet of blue flame emanated from between her serrated fangs and splashed against the scree, blackening the lichen, which released a bitter smell as it burned. The air grew so hot that Eragon was forced to turn away.”

Update: Read my review of ‘Eldest’ here.


  1. brettmichaelorr says

    Hi Heather! I haven’t been around to your blog in forever, I feel terrible! 😦
    But I’m so glad that you’re enjoying Inheritance, it’s my all-time favorite fantasy series. Eragon does improve as a character, especially through Brisingr, so I can’t wait to see how you like the next few novels! Also, prepare for some epic reveals during the course of Eldest (no spoilers!)


    • Ah don’t feel bad – you’ve had more important things to do I think!
      I’ve already had one epic reveal and it was so exciting I gasped out loud on the train (I’m yet to learn how to control myself when reading in public). I liked ‘Eragon’, but this is so much better – the writing, the narrative, the pace are all a huge improvement on the first book. It’s definitely got me even more excited for the next books.

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