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The Inspiring Blog Award

About a million years ago (ok, probably closer to 2 weeks ago), the amazing lightningpen nominated me for the Inspiring Blog Award! Thanks lightningpen!

Now, I’m not too sure what makes my blog inspiring – perhaps I inspire you to do as I say and not as I do, or perhaps I have inspired you to pick up a book that you may not have otherwise read. OR, maybe I have simply inspired you to say exactly what you are thinking and not really care about what other people think of your blog.

Now, according to the rules of this award, I have to tell you 7 things about myself and nominate 15 other blogs for the award. To be really honest, I don’t know that I have 15 other bloggers to nominate, as I have nominated lots of blogs previously for my other awards. But never fear, the ones I do nominate are all high quality! So anyway, here’s 7 things about myself…don’t be afraid…

  1. This morning when I got into my office I was expecting no one else to be there, so I was singing along to Beyonce’s Love On Top, which was playing on my iPod. So naturally there was someone else in the office to hear my off-key singing.
  2. Two songs I really love at the moment – Stuck On You by Meiko and Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds. If the man at the end of my office isn’t careful, I’ll be belting those out soon too!
  3. My favourite show on tv is Masterchef. I love watching people follow their dreams and I also love looking at beautiful food and salivating over it. The most overused item on the current season would have to be edible flowers. Stop it, seriously.
  4. I would prefer to eat a toasted spaghetti sandwich than make some of that delicious food on Masterchef.
  5. I actually find myself too amusing to myself. Often I am the only person laughing at my sarcastic jokes and I get offended if I think no one got my joke. Remember, if you have to explain it, it’s not funny.
  6. I’m very obsessive in regards to my blog. I am constantly checking the stats page to see how many views I’ve had. If I have had lots of views, but not many likes, I get paranoid that people don’t like my babbling. So click that like button people!
  7. I have no concept of time these days (as evidenced by the first sentence of this post). I am constantly thinking that stuff happened two weeks ago, when in reality it was closer to 8 weeks.

And now for the part where I give you blogs better than mine to check out. Here they are:

  • talinorfali – today she wrote about going back to school to study writing professionally. Good for you!
  • poindextrix – finally found an apartment in New York and will be moving there soon, I think that is really exciting.
  • Blah Blah Blog – I love grammar. I love to correct people’s grammar (though I’m not always correct myself). Therefore I love this blog. This gal is correcting everyone’s grammar, one post at a time.
  • Lunch Sketch – a great example of what can be achieved in a lunch break. Imagine what we could do if we used our time wisely like this!
  • Unbound Boxes Limping Gods – anyone who can write AND draw this well deserves recognition. Check out Cheryl’s blog and you will see what I mean.
  • a hectic life –  how can a working mum not be an inspiration. I particularly love the photos on this blog – they are of every day things but have been captured so that they are extraordinary.
  • Green Paw-Paw – you know how I know when I really need to start blogging again? Check out this blog and you’ll see why.
  • Walked Thru – this is a cool blog which is contributed to by a whole bunch of people who are actually professionals in what they are writing about. What’s not to love?
  • jibberino – another cool blog, but this one is about things you could do, rather than watch tv. It makes me wish I didn’t have a tv.

Ok, that’s 9. I do have more blogs I could recommend, but I am going to stop in case I get nominated for another award which requires me to nominate blogs (getting ahead of myself? Of course I am). I need to start following more blogs!! But enjoy these ones for now!


  1. Pingback: Blog Awards: Very Inspiring blog award and One Lovely blog award « f00dventures

  2. Pingback: Humbly Accepting the Inspiring Blog Award | a hectic life

  3. Pingback: Okay, So I Got This Award… « Written in Blood

  4. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | f00dventures

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