Comments 36

About 2016

I’ve never been an overly goal orientated person and as such I’m not big on resolutions/goals for the New Year. I don’t like putting pressure on myself to achieve something or refrain from doing something, and then feeling like I’ve let myself down if I slip up. Somehow I still manage to get shit done and achieve things without setting goals.

So I wasn’t really planning on doing a “What’s happening for me in 2016” type post but I kinda wanted to because everyone else was doing one. The reality is that my blog is probably going to be going along in exactly the same manner it has for the last 12 months. I don’t even really have anything happening in real life to be excited about because I did it all last year and really 2016 for me should just give up now, because 2015 was actually THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE.

I turned 30 which really wasn’t that bad and, truth be told, 31 sounds much scarier; I ended a super long relationship, which should be sad but isn’t (this isn’t something I’d normally share about, but I think it needs mentioning); I went overseas by myself and had the most amazing time seeing things I would never have dreamed I’d get to see; I read stacks of books while accumulating more stacks of books; I got a bit more perspective on my future; and I met loads of great new people through this blog and Twitter, which has been especially important to me because you guys “get it” – we chat when we chat because we have a common/similar interest in something. I have next to nothing in common with my real life friends (aside from being awesome), so it’s nice to know you guys are there. *End sentimental drivel.*

Anyway, one of you great people (Ashley at Dreaming Through Literature) tagged me in a New Years Resolution post, so that basically ended my indecision on the matter. I don’t really have any resolutions, but I do have some Things I’m Just Going To Do, which is essentially the definition of a “resolution” so, um, yeah. Here are my “Essentially Resolutions for 2016”.


It’s a real affliction. I have it. But I’m determined to beat it.

Be strong, and don’t buy any books (except those I’ve made allowances for).

I wanted to include a photo here of all of my shiny new unread books, to make my shame public and thus spur me on towards not purchasing more. But I’m 100% determined to stick to my Reading Challenges this year, which will serve to not only reduce my book hoarding shame, but will also save me some money. So it’s a win/win. There are three new releases that I’m pretty psyched for though, so I’m allowed to buy those.

But not in 2016!

But not in 2016!

Maybe don’t disappear into the blogging wilderness for a month like I have in the last couple of years.

I really like my blog. I like looking at it, I like writing things for it, I like looking at other people’s blogs as well. But I always have one point in the year in which I disappear for a while because I just can’t be bothered. Yes, blogging can feel like a bit of a chore sometimes, and I recognise that it’s totally ok to take a break from it – it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But this is the fourth year that my little corner of the internet has been in existence, so I’d like to treat it to a full year of my attention. It deserves it.
The wilderness will still be there in 2017.

Give back to the people (that’s you guys).

I think I might do a giveaway for my blogiversary (did I spell that right?) because I’ve never done a blogiversary giveaway before and it’ll be nice to buy a book that isn’t one of my allowances, even if it is a book for someone else. And really, if no one read this blog I would have given up a long time ago. So thanks for reading. My blogiversary is in March, so maybe keep a look out for that. I might do some other giveaways too.


And that’s it. It’s not a huge list (I’m not sure that it even classifies as a list), and there should probably be some education/life related things on there, but to be honest I’m quite happy with where things are at for me in both of those departments. Which is pretty great I think.

Good luck to everyone who has proper goals/resolutions for 2016. If you don’t achieve them, don’t worry – it just means you weren’t meant to get there just yet.


    • They are β€˜Primo Levi’s Resistance’, which is about Primo Levi’s time in the Italian Resistance during WWII; β€˜The Pigeon Tunnel’ which is the first memoir from John le Carre – I’m hoping from some real life spy stuff with that one as he used to be part of British Intelligence; and the other is β€˜Blood Riders’ by Gary Oldman (the actor) and is like a vampire/western type thing. But I’ve realised there are bunch more I forgot about, so I might have to make some extra allowances…


  1. Awww, I’m so glad you had such a good 2015, and huzzah for the world of virtual blog friends.

    As for the resolutions-that-aren’t-resolutions, these sound pretty awesome. And I’m so glad I read this just now, too. I’ve had a tab open on Amazon all morning, a mere click away from another book purchase, but you reminded me that I shouldn’t be buying books, especially not when I’m about to go on vacation, during which book challenges do not apply. πŸ™‚


    • Virtual friends are the best because there’s no pressure. I love it!

      If you can find that book you want while you’re on vacation, that would be ideal. Then you can have it and not feel bad about it!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I like the way you think! You’re sneaky and it’s amazing! (Maybe also an enabler but I’m okay with that.) I’m on the hunt for bookstore stamps; this trip will not feel complete unless I find at least one!


        • I hope you find some bookstore stamps. I read a couple of my Shakespeare and Company books just before Christmas and it was so nice flicking to the front of the book and seeing those stamps. So many memories.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I realized I forgot to comment here πŸ˜› that I think you’re going to have an amazing 2016 too, and that your resolutions sound fantastic and can only make a great year the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I’m confident it’s going to be a good year too! I foresee some bumps but you just have to deal with them and move along.


    • As soon as I wrote that I already knew I’d fail at it, because I can guarantee that I’ll go missing around March – that’s when it always happens. Maybe I should just write a bunch of posts way in advance so I can just take a little break then!


  3. Boy oh boy! Can I ever relate to buying books that I don’t have the time to get to. I have put the kibosh on it this year and am even tracking my expenses at the end of every review.
    It isn’t entirely horrible to disappear from the blog every now and again. Sometimes that’s what you have to do to avoid burnout.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I completely agree that it’s ok to disappear every now and then – I never feel guilty doing it. I’d just really like to stick it out for a whole year so that I can say I’ve done it, then go back to disappearing for a while next year πŸ™‚
      I think lots of people are focusing more on the books they have this year, rather than buying new ones. I wonder will the book industry experience a slight downturn in profit this year?


  4. It’s nice to hear 2015 was such a great year for you!
    I feel the same way about resolutions and goals, but when it comes to books I can’t help but think ahead to all the good ones I want to read. Whether or not I follow through on my plans doesn’t really matter as much as the planning. πŸ™‚ And, like Katie, I like reading everyone else’s plans, so I’m glad you shared!


    • Thanks πŸ™‚ I actually wish I could rewind and do it all again.

      I am pretty excited about all the books I’ll get to read this year – especially all the ones I’ve had sitting around for ages.
      And I agree that planning matters a lot – while I don’t “do goals”, it is nice to have some things to work towards. If you don’t achieve them, at least you tried and are now a little closer to them.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Here’s to hoping your 2016 is as good as your 2015! I love reading everyone’s goals/resolutions posts, so I’m glad you decided to write one. I love how everyone is making the effort to read the books on their shelves this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thanks πŸ™‚ I’m glad I wrote one too, if only so I can relive the glory that was my 2015!
      I like reading other people’s goals as well. I like getting ideas for other things I could do – or at least attempt for 6 months and then give up.

      Have a great 2016!


  6. My blog just turned four in December and I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing. I’m not much of a reflectionist, nor a sentimentalist, but I do think looking back is important in going forward. Here’s to 2016.


    • I completely agree – if we didn’t look back we’d never learn anything.
      I hope you have a great 2016 and I look forward to having more chats with you (especially Why We Say!).

      Liked by 1 person

    • There was very little sadness in 2015 – it was all great, even the stuff that should have been sad.
      I hope you have a great 2016!


  7. Boo, I think the comment form ate my last one! Anyway, I said that I’m glad that 2015 was so excellent, and I hope that 2016 is more of the same! I’m also very happy to know you’re there, even if you’re too far away/too many hours ahead. πŸ™‚


    • It’s sitting there in my “Comments to be Approved” queue for some reason – I have no idea why. I’ll delete that one πŸ™‚
      At risk of being soppy etc., I’m super glad I got to know you better this year. You’re like a smarter kindred spirit!


  8. Congrats on a great year. I’m hoping to make 2016 so much better than sucky 2015. I’m reducing the number of books I’m buying as well, so if you have a giveaway, I’ll definitely be entering! And thank you for that last paragraph– I’m super goal oriented, but when I fail, its the end of the world. I have to get over that, and realize that I’ll get there– just not yet.


    • Definitely enter my giveaway – I’m thinking of having a prize from Book Depository, so you can basically have whatever you like!
      I hope you have a great 2016 as well – based on your own goals/resolutions I have high hopes for you. But yeah, don’t be sad if you don’t hit them, at least you’ll be a bit closer to them πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  9. This post made me smile so much! I am so glad you had such a great 2015, and I hope that 2016 turns out somehow even better than you could have imagined πŸ™‚ What are the three books you’re excited for in 2016?


    • Oh thanks πŸ™‚
      I have low expectations for 2016, so it will definitely exceed them!

      The books I’m excited for are: ‘Primo Levi’s Resistance’, which is an account of Primo Levi’s time in the Italian Resistance during WWII, ‘The Pigeon Tunnel’ which is the first memoir from John le Carre – he used to be part of British Intelligence so I’m really looking forward to it; and the other is a book called ‘Blood Riders’ by Gary Oldman (the actor) and is like a vampire/western type thing – it sounds great.
      But I’ve remembered in the last couple of days that there are some other books being released this year that I was excited for as well, so I might have to ask for those as gifts from people…


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