Book Bingo, Books, Reading, Updates
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Book Bingo!

As I was loitering around some other book blogs, I spotted this thing called ‘Book Bingo’ on Shaina’s blog, Shaina Reads (if you like intelligent books you should go check out her blog – you’ll feel smarter just being there). Anyway, Book Bingo was started over at Books On the Nightstand. It’s pretty simple: their generator creates a random bingo card with 25 squares that have different things to look out for when picking your next read (or reads) – the idea is to look for something you wouldn’t normally read. Here’s my bingo card:


So, just like with the “legs eleven” kind of bingo, each time you read a book that fits into one of these little categories, you mark it off. Now, I already have a gigantic stack of books which, despite reading a book a week, is not getting any smaller and is instead growing. So I’m sure I’ll find plenty of books in said stack to mark off some squares. But there’s some I know I won’t have – like a middle-grade book, popular psychology, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t recently bought any books set in South America (but really, I have no idea what I have anymore). And I don’t really read literary journals, so this might encourage me to look into that.

If anyone else is doing Book Bingo let me know – we can be bingo buddies! Also, if anyone has any suggestions for books to mark off some of these squares, please go right ahead and let me know – I’m game to read just about anything. I’ll post an update in a few weeks.

Do you ever look to read outside your comfort zone or do you have one type of book you love and just stick with it?


  1. Pingback: Another Book Bingo Update | bitsnbooks

  2. Pingback: A Book Bingo Update | bitsnbooks

  3. Aww, quit making me blush!

    So glad you’re joining in on this. 🙂 I love seeing everyone’s cards! I love the square for a book set in a place you want to visit. Do you know which country/place you’ll pick?


    • Um, I think either Antarctica or Norway. I have a book at home about Antarctica, but I feel like that’s cheating. So maybe I’ll look for something set in Norway. There’s a cool tall ship frozen into ice there, that’s been turned into a hotel. The only way to get there is by dog sled!! I think that’ll be my next overseas trip, although I don’t know how I feel about dog sled…


    • You should! I’m about to mark off my first square and I’m more excited about it than I have any right to be. I need to get out more.


  4. I wasn’t doing Book Bingo, but I am now!

    To answer your question, I routinely look for books outside my comfort zone. The only downside is that I have an ever expanding comfort zone. Wait, is that really a problem?

    I have a question of my own: can one book count for more than one square? For example, I have a book in my TBR I found in the “free” pile of a used bookstore written by and about a politician I do not agree with in the slightest. In theory, could I count that for “found in a used book store” and “about a subject that challenges you” ?

    As I’m almost done with my at-home TBR, Book Bingo will come in handy when I next go to the library. Thanks for sharing!

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    • I hear you re: the comfort zone thing. I’m always trying to read new things. My theory is, if I don’t read it, how will I know if I don’t like it?
      I’m not too sure about whether a book can count for more than one square. There doesn’t seem to be any strict rules, so I guess you can do whatever you want. I would personally only count it for one square though, as that means it’ll take me that much longer to get to a bingo!

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    • I’ll have to go check out your bingo card. I think I’m just about able to cross one square off. Naturally I’m more excited about that than I should be.


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